
Learn proven methodology to use the Baldrige Excellence Framework and Baldrige Excellence Builder to empower your organization to reach its goals, improve results and become more competitive through assessment.   In addition to offering assessment with external feedback for Governor’s Quality Award applicants, AIPE offers self-assessment training through Applicant Training and training designed specifically for those not interested in award.  Applications to the Governor’s Quality Award Program are assessed by examiners, trained professionals from all industry sectors.  Examiners receive in-depth training at Examiner Training I and II.  In addition, the experience received serving as an examiner helps improve analytical skills and provides a greater understanding of good business principles.  Click on Upcoming Events, Examiner Training I for more information and an application to apply to serve as an examiner.






Webinars are available to help organizations who are interested in specific content found within the Baldrige Excellence Framework which includes writing the Organizational Profile, the context for your organization. The Applicant Training I webinar will provide training for organizations interested in applying for a Challenge Award.  The Challenge Award requirements include a three- to five-page Organizational Profile and Key Business Factors Worksheet.  Challenge Award applications are due July 1.




Assessment/Application Writing Services


Would you prefer outside help to write an application or complete a self-assessment?  Consultation and writing services guide organizations through the completion of an Organizational Profile and in-depth review of your performance system in the areas of Leadership, Strategy, Customers, Measurement and Knowledge Management, Workforce, Operations and Results.




Organizational Profile: Define your Context


This one-hour webinar will help you write your Organizational Profile.  The process of writing a profile can help you identify topics with conflicting, little or no information and use these gaps for action planning.  Receiving training materials which help you address the unique aspects of your organization.