“It is hard to quantify what the Arkansas Institute for Performance Excellence, following the Malcomb Baldridge Award criteria, has meant to JV Manufacturing. Yes, it led to JV achieving the Governors Quality Award, but the journey was much more rewarding. As we went through the process we got meaningful feedback reports that motivated us to change and improve. Not just improve end-of-production-line quality, but quality in every aspect of our operations. How we interact, track and improve customer relations. How we improve the work experience of our employees. How we work with vendors to verify the quality of purchased components and build partnerships. And finally, the impact we have on our community. We are a much better company today than when we started the journey, especially where it counts most, on the bottom line.”
Chris Weiser
JV Manufacturing Inc., Springdale
“The value of serving as a member of the Governor’s Quality Award Board of Examiners is tremendous for me professionally and personally. Professionally, I’ve broaden my knowledge of quality and how it impacts a variety of organizations which has added value to my primary work. Personally, serving as an examiner has allowed me to give back to the State in a meaningful way and has connected me to amazing colleagues who have enriched my life.”
Lynnette Jack
MQRS, Inc.-Correctional Healthcare Quality Consultants
“The Governor’s Quality Award Healthcare Seminar provides a great opportunity for our organization to learn about effective models for transforming clinical care to improve the organization’s ability to meet patient needs and ongoing changes in the healthcare environment. Whether the healthcare organization is hospital-based, ambulatory care, or specialty care, there are valuable lessons to be learned that can be applied in any setting.”
Brenda Kennedy, DHA, MBA, BSN, RN, FAIHQ
Quality/Compliance Officer
“The integration of Baldrige into the ISO 9001:2015 Organizational Context workshop was very valuable. Well done!”
Gene Kelly
Senior Quality Manager
General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems Inc.